MARCS DataBase

Moderately CN-cycled :
Heavily CN-cycled :
Alpha poor :
Alpha enhanced :
Alpha negative :
Grevesse & Sauval :
S0/S1/…/S6 composition class :

Spherical: Giants and supergiants with non-negligible photospheric depths, -0.5 ≤ log g ≤ 3.5. Mass=1.0 MSun with sparse sub-grids of 0.5, 2.0, and 5.0 MSun.
Lowest Values
Highest Values

How do I use MARCS?
First chose "Chemical composition class" and model "Geometry". Click on the question marks to the right of the two menues for hints. The total number of available models to chose from is shown to the right, and a number of further menues to select detailed model parameters show up below. These give the total ranges available for the selected composition class and geometry.
Then continue downwards with the menues in the left-hand column to refine your selection. A menue will be grey when there is only one possible value. The question marks to the right of the menues give information of what is available, not all possible combinations of parameters will be there. "No models found" will indicate when a void combination has been chosen. Then you have to modify one or more of your previous choices.
Eventually a number of models will be listed in the right-hand column and you may chose to put all or just some of them into your star cluster (Download basket).
You will see the list of selected models on the left hand side.
Clicking the "Search form" button will let you make a new selection of models to add to your cluster.
Click the Download basket to see your stars.
When you are done, select hich types of model or flux files that you want, and then then click "Download" to get a tar ball of data.
warning : the following files are missing , please contact your administrator :