Astrophysical values of log gf for 948 atomic lines in VALD 1 (Piskunov et al. 1995) and 1276 lines of the 10 most important revised species (Si I, Ca I, Ca II, Ti II, Cr I, Cr II, Mn II, Fe I, Fe II, and Ni II) in VALD 2 (Stempels et al. 2001). The VALD home pages may be found at e.g. The modified lines fall in the wavelength range 3783 to 8968 A, and are based on ocular inspection of fits of synthetic solar intensity spectra calculated with the Holweger & Mueller (1974) model to the observed solar disk-center FTS spectrum of Brault & Neckel (1987). About 40% of the modified lines are Fe I lines. The most common modifications to the log gf values are negative, since a too strong synthetic line is probably wrong, while a too weak line may be correct and explained by unidentified line blends. A log gf value was only increased when some alternative line identification supported that of the wavelength coincidence. A value of -9.99 signals that the line was not found in the solar spectrum. astroph_gfVALD1.dat and astroph_gfVALD2.dat give for each line : 1) Element number in the periodic table 2) Ion (1 for neutral, 2 for singly ionized) 3) VALD air wavelength (A) (VALD 1 or VALD 2, respectively) 4) Lower level excitation energy (eV) (VALD 1 or VALD 2, respectively) 5) Lower level j quantum number (VALD 1 or VALD 2, respectively) 6) Astrophysical value of log gf (elaborated to within 0.1 dex) 7) Species label 8) Lower level designation (VALD 1 or VALD 2, respectively) 9) Upper level designation (VALD 1 or VALD 2, respectively) 10) Original VALD log gf (VALD 1 or VALD 2, respectively) Example. The beginning of file astroph_gfVALD1.dat : 28 1 3783.5240 0.4230 2.0 -1.70 'Ni I ' 'a 1D ' 'z 5F* ' -1.310 60 2 3784.2450 0.3800 5.5 -0.05 'Nd II' '6s 4I ' '6p * ' 0.098 22 1 3789.2940 1.4600 4.0 -0.75 'Ti I ' '(4F)4s b3F ' '(3P)sp u3D ' -0.451 12 1 3789.5690 4.3460 1.0 -9.99 'Mg I ' 's3p 1P ' '22d 1D ' -2.000 12 1 3793.1630 4.3460 1.0 -9.99 'Mg I ' 's3p 1P ' '21d 1D ' -2.000 22 1 3795.8940 1.4430 3.0 -0.15 'Ti I ' '(4F)4s b3F ' '(3P)sp u3D ' -0.295 40 2 3796.4930 1.0110 4.5 -0.90 'Zr II' '4d3 a2G ' 'd25p z2G ' -0.830 12 1 3797.1690 4.3460 1.0 -9.99 'Mg I ' 's3p 1P ' '20d 1D ' -2.000 40 2 3800.7430 0.5270 1.5 -2.05 'Zr II' 'd25s a2D ' 'd25p z4F ' -1.300 58 2 3801.5260 0.8970 5.5 -0.05 'Ce II' 'fd6s *4G ' 'fd6p 4H ' 0.870 The publication reference for the astrophysical gf values is Gustafsson et al. 2008, A&A, in press (arXiv: astro-ph/0805.0554) Brault & Neckel 1987, unpublished Holweger & Mueller, 1974, Solar Physics 39, 19 Piskunov et al. 1995, A&AS 112, 525 (VALD 1) Stempels et al. 2001, ASP Conf. Ser. 223, 878, eds. R.J. Garcia Lopez, R. Rebolo, M.R. Zapaterio Osorio (VALD 2)