Readme file for FeH line list from B. Plez 19-Nov-2015 Line list generated 15-Jun-2015 F4delta - X4delta transition v'=0,1,2 v"=0,1,2 Jmax=40.5 where ' and " designate the upper and lower level, respectively. Energy levels were computed from identified levels in Phillips et al., 1987, ApJS, 65, 721, in the following way: For each vibrational level, and each of the 8 lambda-doubled substates, a fit of energy as a function of rotational quantum numbers (J) was made through the measured rotational levels. In most cases this fit is of order 3, but for a few levels a better quadratic fit was adopted. The calculated levels were only used when no observation was available. Line intensities were computed from Hönl-Londonand Franck-Condon factors (See Plez, 1998, A&A, 337, 495 for additional details), and then scaled to agree with the Av'v" of Langhoff and Bauschlicher, 1990, J.Mol.S. 141, 243. The line list is in Turbospectrum format: lambda E" log(gf) 2*J'+1 v' v" branch J" species band (A) (eV) 7626.509 0.086 -4.789 0.00 20.0 0.00E+00 'X' 'X' 0.0 1.0 ' 2 0 SR32 8.5 FeH FX' Branch designation has its usual meaning, the first and second letter denoting respectively DeltaN and DeltaJ, with Delta=-2,-1,0,1,2 denoted by O,P,Q,R,S The two numbers are for the four substates. The non-designated columns contain specific but unknown parameters that may be used in Turbospectrum. Turbospectrum ca be found at