program readopa * Sample programme to call subroutine readmo which reads a MARCS opacity model file * Version 1.2, 10-Oct-2006 /BE * * Parameters are described in subroutine readmo * * compile by e.g.: f90 -o readopa readopa.f" * * Run by either "cat opa_file | readopa" if unzipped * or "zcat opa_file | readopa" if zipped * or perhaps "gzcat opa_file | readopa" if gzipped * implicit none integer mdp,mwav,j,k parameter (mdp=56) parameter (mwav=1071) real f,a,s,w ************** character mcode*4 integer ndp,nwav real abund(92),wav(mwav),swave common /global/ mcode,ndp,swave,nwav,wav,abund ************** real rad(mdp),tau(mdp),t(mdp),pe(mdp),pg(mdp),rho(mdp),xi(mdp) real ops(mdp) common /structure/ rad,tau,t,pe,pg,rho,xi,ops ************** real abs(mwav,mdp),sca(mwav,mdp) common /opacities/ abs,sca ************** call readmo * sample printout * list tau, t, pg, abs(5000 A), sca(5000 A), and ops(5000 A) w=5000.0 print *,'mcode=',mcode,', test printout for wavelength=',w,' AA' if( .or. then stop 'no wavelength extrapol' endif print 1000 1000 format(' k tau(5000) T Pg ops abs sca') * find the wavelength-interpolation points do j=1,nwav if( then f=(w-wav(j-1))/(wav(j)-wav(j-1)) do k=1,ndp * linear interpolation a=abs(j-1,k)+(abs(j,k)-abs(j-1,k))*f s=sca(j-1,k)+(sca(j,k)-sca(j-1,k))*f print 1010,k,tau(k),t(k),pg(k),ops(k),a,s 1010 format(i2,1p,e10.3,0p,f8.1,1p,4e10.3,0p) enddo exit endif enddo end * * *...v....1....v....2....v....3....v....4....v....5....v....6....v....7.. * * subroutine readmo * reads a MARCS opacity data file and stores the data into arrays in 3 * common blocks: 'global', 'structure', and 'opacities' * ************************************************************************ * Global properties of the opacity model file: common "global" * mcode = the 4-byte standard model code 'MRXF' * ndp = number of depth points (=56) * k = depth index * swave = standard wavelength for the continuous optical depth (tau) * scale and for the total standard opacity (ops) * nwav = number of wavelengths for which continuous absorption and * scattering opacities are given. These are chosen so that * linear interpolation should suffice for any wavelength * (=1071) * wav(j) = wavelengths for which opacities are given * j = wavelength index * abund = logarithmic number abundances of the 92 first chemical * elements on a scale where the hydrogen abundance=12.00 ************************************************************************ * Model structure: common "structure" * rad(k) = radius, normalized on the outermost point, k=1. For use with * spherical radiative transfer. * For plane-parallel models rad == 1.0. * tau(k) = continuumm optical depth at the standard wavelength swave * t(k) = temperature (K) * pe(k) = electron pressure (dyn/cm2) * pg(k) = total gas pressure (dyn/cm2) * rho(k) = densigy (g/cm3) * xi(k) = microturbulence parameter (km/s) * ops(k) = continuumm opacity at the standard wavelength (cm2/g) ************************************************************************ * Wavelength dependent opacities: common "opacities" * abs(j,k) = specific continuous absorption opacity (cm2/g) * sca(j,k) = specific continuous scattering opacity (cm2/g) ************************************************************************ * implicit none integer mdp,mwav,i,k parameter (mdp=56) parameter (mwav=1071) ************** character mcode*4 integer ndp,nwav real abund(92),wav(mwav),swave common /global/ mcode,ndp,swave,nwav,wav,abund ************** real rad(mdp),tau(mdp),t(mdp),pe(mdp),pg(mdp),rho(mdp),xi(mdp) real ops(mdp) common /structure/ rad,tau,t,pe,pg,rho,xi,ops ************** real abs(mwav,mdp),sca(mwav,mdp) common /opacities/ abs,sca ************** * read(*,1010) mcode,ndp,swave 1010 format(1x,a4,i5,f10.0) if( then stop 'unexpected (ly large) number of depth points' endif read(*,*) nwav if( then stop 'unexpected (ly large) number of wavelength points' endif read(*,*) (wav(i),i=1,nwav) do k=1,ndp read(*,*) rad(k),tau(k),t(k),pe(k),pg(k),rho(k),xi(k),ops(k) read(*,*) (abs(i,k),sca(i,k),i=1,nwav) do i=1,nwav abs(i,k)=abs(i,k)*ops(k) sca(i,k)=sca(i,k)*ops(k) enddo enddo read(*,*) abund * return end